
Dante Festival, Salerno Town Hall

Di nuovo a Salerno presso il "Salone dei Marmi" del Palazzo di Città insieme agli amici di sempre della Società Dante Alighieri Comitato di Salerno per le  celebrazioni dei 750° anniversario della nascita del Sommo Poeta.

Una 3 giorni densa di incontri, lezioni-spettacolo su Dante a Salerno racchiuse in un unico "Festival dantesco". Il programma pevede mercoledì 2 dicembre a partire dalle ore 16:00 

La Divina Commedia in dialetto: NicolaLambiase e Napoli Nazario Bruno in napoletano seguiranno Rocco Luigi Nichil in barese e Pina Basile in calabrese.



The protagonists

Nicola Lambiase, interprets Dante's poem by heart in Italian, Neapolitan language and English.

Patrizia Bruno, plays the piano melodies engaging.



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  • Maria Rosaria
    "Each piece of art is independent of the person who created it, the more powerful of the artist himself and returns to t...

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  • Peppe
    Dante represents our history of Italian and European. His greatness in the literature of the West, and not only that, it...

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  • Robert
    What a pleasant surprise discover this morning! The site is looking fantastic!

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  • Anna Maria
    I've always been passionate Honorary fellow of the Comedy, but I find that the combination of songs and music is, to say...

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  • nora
    Site excellent and well edited. fully expresses your feelings interpreter. We will come to listen to Ravello

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  • Nicola
    The glory of Him who moves all
    for the universe penetrates and shines
    In one part more and in another less....

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